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Major reasons you’ll need a Christmas tree this holiday

closeup small vintage toy car with tree

The Christmas tree was introduced to Europe by Martin Luther in Germany in 1521 as part of his campaign against the Catholic Church with its rituals such as Lent and fasting. He wanted to replace that with celebrations such as Christmas and Easter so that people could enjoy themselves more. The first decorated tree was hung on the wall of his house in Wittenberg in 1531.

Today, there are numerous reasons why you should get a Christmas tree this holiday season:

It brings happiness and cheer into your home

The Christmas tree brings happiness and cheer into your home during this festive season because it adds color, decoration and festivity to your house. It’s a great way for you and your family members to celebrate together and have fun decorating it with colorful lights, ornaments and other decorations.

It is the classic holiday tradition

There’s nothing like having a real tree in your home during the holidays. The smell of fresh pine is one of the most comforting smells out there — it reminds us of childhood and family traditions. Plus, who doesn’t love hanging their hand-made ornaments on branches that are almost as old as they are?

It makes your home feel more festive

There’s nothing like the smell of pine needles to get you in the Christmas spirit! Plus, they make great decorations when they’re not being used as decorations!

It brings out the kid in everyone

Remember those days when you’d play with your new toys all day long? Or when your parents would let you decorate the whole house with lights? Well, those days are back with customizable LED fairy lights! You can even buy them on Amazon Prime if you’re not too keen on going out in public during this winter weather.


It bring people together

Even if it’s just for one night a year, everyone will gather around the tree and enjoy each other’s company.

Christmas trees are the heart and soul of the holiday season. They symbolize family, tradition and joy. They bring us all together to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, who came to save us from our sins.

It reminds us of Jesus’ birth

The manger scene shows us how God sent His only Son to save mankind from sin. The tree reminds us that God loves us so much that He sent His Son to die for our salvation.

It reminds us of the joy of giving gifts during Christmas season

This is perhaps one of the most important reasons to have a Christmas tree at home this year — because it reminds us that Christmas is about giving gifts to others, not receiving them.

It creates a warm atmosphere inside your home during winter days when it’s cold outside and snowing heavily outside your window

A beautiful Christmas tree will make your home look more festive and inviting for friends or relatives who visit during this special time of year.

And ultimately, it helps us to give thanks for all God has done in your life so far!

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